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3 Years later

3 Years later ...... ... after its last published article on 5/31/2021 and an offline period: We are back in business! Over the years many w...


Claus's Investigation #1

 [originally posted: 10/18/2016]

#1: Can you play in a game, if you are SPECTATOR?

Well, most people think, that in a game-lobby, you need choose: either to play or to spec the upcoming game. However, the question in the beginning may sound absurd, don't EVER take a question as absurd, if u haven't asked and tested it yourself! :) May this be a life lesson for you: There is no dumb questioning... hehehe

The mentioned question, if u can play as a spectator, was deeply researched by |NC|-Maty - now see some screenshots of his results: 

@p4: spectator has an engineer

playing player builds chinook

rescuing begins...

don´t forget the riffle 

1st steps on the playground

playing spectator getting a CY

GOGO and play!

gj Maty ´n Team! The full video can be watched here. [and hurray the link is still working!]


Side note: Imagine trolling the enemies in a 2x2 - turning it secretly into a 2x3 (therefor the trollers should choose a not so obvious color range, like green+teal+blue, or brown+red+orange - that the fun takes at least some min till discovered). 

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