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3 Years later

3 Years later ...... ... after its last published article on 5/31/2021 and an offline period: We are back in business! Over the years many w...


3 Years later

3 Years later ......

... after its last published article on 5/31/2021 and an offline period: We are back in business! Over the years many wishes of a re-upload have been spoken to me. History shall not be lost and helpful guides not be unfindable.

Ready to clean up the dust, ready to remove the rust and update the guides and contents. This blog originated out of Thunderbolt`s blog Afo-Redalert-Guides, 2017 it was rebranded under redalert.one (which is now held under Russian webpage holding). All rights remained, all texts have been kept. Around 2015 a very noobish contributor named Clausewitz was invited to write some articles.

His journey of becoming less noob –– long before even nowadays being finished –– lead into some investigations of the mechanics of redalert and the process of learning manifested in a bunch of articles. Examply, the one on the mechanics and geometry of q-ing remains up till now the most comprehend and total one. After its airing it resulted in an explosion of so-called goldmedal holders after successfully finishing the q-medalmap challenge. As a result of this, the medalmap underwent a great reset and it deflated the amount of medals holders. 

Around this time, a player called AndrewFord re-discovered a tanking technique of guarded q-ing gq and the redalert world went upside down in learning and mastering this new skill, which allowed in range automated multi target attacking of your tanks. This blog published the first (!) gq-guide, which at that time was outstanding –– since no one dared to share own findings widely, and information was only disclosed behind whispering hands and amongst game-bros. Since that period many more investigations have been made, mostly by N8diaz, who named his advanced version sgq, which includes a stopp command for better control of the tank group. He also published a guide in a video description of it. More would be to add to this storyline, but later...

However, in the last months sometimes i say to players after a game, that the normal q won this match. How? In small numbers, less then 10, surely around 3-5 tanks normal q-skills is far far superior in killing the enemy tank. But the once available guides were for in the meanwhile upcoming players not available any more. I catched myself telling players to q-down or to q-backwards, but those expressions didn't really mean anything anymore. "And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth." (/quote).

Another example of lost evidence is the basic fact of south advantage, that Tesla attack range and tank fire range is +1 square, if the Tesla or tank is south. That was 5 years ago so common knowledge as to say the grass is green. I used to make fun of Tanja for believing in north advantage –– and it was considered a joke. Nowadays newcomers fight with you about those facts. 

Once newer players got sent a link to this guides, but now there is just a brit's redalert page left, which topics always circle around the same people with the same insults and jokes and mockery. Andrewford deleted his page, other blogs seem also more endangered of getting lost than contributing new stuff. There is a void ... 

In connection to its history, lets start to revitalize this blog. Honest outreaching goes to all former contributors and clan leaders, who used to update their members here, to start again this nice and community sensible practice. What does this community win, if we have 10 lost blogs of individuals but not a commonplace of shared wisdom, tricks and skill?! The last blog version –– under the address: redalert.one –– had 16 contributing editors! 

Welcome back Commanders!

/ claus / rusty 

p.s. not all subpages, articles and links will work in the beginning. there needs to be a process of overworking and reconnection some stuff. give it some time, come back for a revisit soon. cheers.

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