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3 Years later ...... ... after its last published article on 5/31/2021 and an offline period: We are back in business! Over the years many w...




An Introduction to Different Screen Resolutions

"Which RES do u have?" --- If u know your personal resolution in use, but cannot say, why u use it, the general section of this article may hopefully be informative for u to check on it. If u cannot answer this question at all, this article might be a must-read for u.

Res or resolution describes the size of your game screen (length x width). The jungle of possible resolutions and associated setting changes to choose, is overwhelming. How to choose a well-fitting one, is the question, this guide tries to help answering: 

1. Most commonly used Resolutions - Typology

In the settings menu, besides useful other options, u will find the most common used Resolutions: 640x400, 640x480 as the two originals, a mid res 800x600 and two high res 1024x768, 1280x720 - right here --------------->

Alongside those predefined ones, u have also the optionality to make a customized resolution, meaning: u can stretch and scale the original resolutions, to fit better to your needs and home-screen - here ---------------->

Pressing the button "Detect resolution" will most of the times result in a very high res, which may be useful for spectating a game, but not for playing it.

A minor size change u can do, when u not want to play in full-screen mode, by option on the up-right menu side windowed mode. For example, when u see a res like 640x479, the -1 may only refer to such a minor change.

However, generally the resolutions are typologized into the two original 640x-s, which are considered as low res. Accordingly, the 800x res could be named mid res, the 1024x as a high res and all above this as a very high res.
Now the question is: Which Resolution U should use? Which one is best? 

The answer is: It´s a player´s decision individually to make. Plenty of different opinions and res-in-use u will find. All this introducing guide wants to achieve, is help u to make your own reasoning.

Good news: You won´t be able to use all of these (and those down mentioned) resolutions anyway! Which res are supported, depends on twice: your home hardware (screen size, inches) and software system (Windows, Mac, Linux). U simply cannot use every single resolution by all PCs and Laptops. The RedAlert-Program is kind enough, to not even let u start a game - error will occur -, if u dare to select an unsupported res-setting. The decision, out of your supported ones, which one to take, is now individual to u.
And anticipating the guide´s moral: Resolution is not a pro-skill itself, but a manifestation, of what a kind of player u are or want to become. Your resolution should support your style of playing RedAlert. 

As another approach, four screenshot examples of different resolutions:

640x400: |x|mafia @Platinum Medal

640x480: RC_ @p4

800x600: yuz|MAN| @p4

1280x720: Ferret @KOTG

Speaking general. Most newcomers nowadays tend to use a high resolution to see most of the map, see the happening, try to get along with their enemies, even get hectic, while try to deal with the multitasking game play RA requires. The more used to all u get, the more u can be classified into the main strategy divisions: U either are more tank-orientated and like to Q, or more build-orientated and need some more overview. The first group´s majority prefers lower resolutions, and the second seems to favorite mid ones. However, prominent examples show exceptions: There are low-res super-builders, and there are high-res goldmedal-winners out there. See, it´s individual!

Despite considerably individual factors, of course one can argue PROs and CONs about those degrees from low to high resolutions in a more general manner. Meaning, how do the resolutions effect several aspects of the game play, some of them u need more as a tanker and some more as a builder:

2. Resolution´s Effects on your gameplay - Generalisms

2.1. Map Overview

The higher your res, the better is your map overview in general, u simply see more at the same time, without scrolling around. This benefit in overview supports a more macro-oriented play style. However, when it comes to close 1x1 battles including every single tank or unit, so-called micro-management, higher res is considerably in a disadvantage.

Reversed, this means: The lower your res, the more u need to scroll through the map, to see, what is going on - or by using the bookmark-hotkeys. But on the other hand u can much better focus on such a close battle.

2.2. Sidebar Slots

The higher your res, the more slots for buildings and units u have in your sidebar at the same time, without scrolling it up or down. With this goes a much easier multi-production hand in hand, because u can produce your next building, while producing infantry and vehicles - all the same time with out sidebar-scrolling.
A minus point is the risk of more misclicks, just because each slot is much smaller, so the possibility of clicking on wrong production field is significantly higher.

So, the lower your res, the more u need to scroll your sidebar up-down, if u want to produce units simultaneously or start another sort of production. Advanced players bypass this disadvantage in not (!) using their mouse and the arrow-buttons to scroll up-down, but do do it by mouse-wheeling or using the hotkeys D and F for KeySidebarUp and -Down. The big plus with low res and slots is: The slots are fewer, but much bigger. Misclicking is much more unlikely.

2.3. Scrolling

As a result of overview and slots, u can say about scrolling in general: The lower your res, the more scrolling is needed, including a trained usage of more hotkeys. While hotkeys speed up the clicking in the sidebar and via bookmarks on the map; u can also change the scroll-speed of your cursor in the RA settings. So using a lower res does not mean to slow down your game play at all.

Side note: Whenever u change your Resolution for testing it, try to change the mouse sensitivity on scrolling speed as well. Maybe "fix scroll" and "auto scroll" in game-options may help u find your best scroll-speed as well.

2.4. Mouse movings: Selecting, Targeting and Building

Closely related to scrolling is the mouse sensitivity and moving speed - regarded now without scrolling, just moving on current screen. U can change it too, through your mouse settings - not RA settings.
The importance of a well-moving mouse cursor effects fundamental aspects of the game: The time u need from map-ground to your sidebar to click a new production; the accuracy u can click a ready-building to set it on map-ground; the selecting of a single unit or a group and the targeting. All four aspects relate themselves to your chosen resolution:

The lower your resolution, the "bigger" units seem to be and the "shorter" seems the way, your cursor needs from place A to B. Both aspects have enormous effect on your overall play-speed: Faster targeting, clearer targeting, better selecting, faster building, more accurate building placement and overall a higher production rate of units.

Side note: Of course, the better u can target an enemy tank, the better u may use your Q on it.

2.5. Results

The list of PROs and CONs on different resolutions is long and complex. Although, the majority of tanking players are dedicated to a low-res, or even the lowest res, u can have a reasoning to use a slightly higher one. For example, a tank-to-build strategy.
If u are more a building player a mid or high resolution may probably fit better, because of the overview-advantage. But, this overview seems to get unhelpful, when it comes down to accuracy and speed. So, most advanced builders seem to prefer a mid res - besides prominent exceptions.

Whatever u choose as a resolution, should be thought-through wisely, but whatever u decide, your resolution is a manifestation, of what a kind of player u are or want to become. Your resolution should support your style of playing RedAlert. 

So find your best-fitting resolution!

Additional Advice?

3. Some Advanced Player´s Voices - Individualisms

To not make this guide too theoretical and speculative, I asked a well-sorted range of very experienced players to give us their point of view on res-concerning questions. Although, some answers may give a similar reasoning, u ´ll find as well exceptions based on an individual decision-making: 

3.1. |NC|-Lauta

Which Res do u use? 640x400.
Have u tested others? Yes, I started playing in 1024x768, then I changed to 640x480, then 800x600 and now 640x400.
What are positive points on your Res? This is the best Res to tank and build for me. The bigger resolutions are,  the harder it is to Q. Good of big Res it is, to see more of the map. But on lowest Res u can make all units the fastest and u have no need to move much with the mouse to find anything.
What may be negative ones? That u can't see the whole screen, but if u use bookmarks correctly: all OK. 
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? Many Pros use 640x400, but if u aren't interested in Q moves and u only want to build: 800x600 is very good. But only by playing, u can find out the best res for u.

3.2. yuz|MAN|

Which Res do u use? 800x600.
Have u tested others? Yes, 640x400 originally. Played for years this lowest Res, as there were no others (note: Meaning before High-Resolution Patch). 640x480 as better, filled more of the screen. 1024x768 showed even more map, but i get noticably slower. 800x600 sweet spot; worse Q than lower Res, but I see more of the field. I sometimes - when Q-battle-ing - go back to 640x480 by the way.
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? For people, who focus on Q, I recommend 640x400. For allrounders like me, 800x600 is sweet spot for a more strategical view and more production options at the same time. 
Add-on. And last thing about 800x600: it´s good for video recording, looks good on YouTube :) . 

(side note: yuz is an exceptional example, because i am unsure but quite clear same time, he is the only old school pro, who higher-ed his res.)

3.3. ORA-Boy

Which Res do u use? 640x480.
Have u tested others? I used to play 640x400 for 17 years, before switching to x480. When I am spec-ing, I like to use 1024x768. 
What are positive points on your Res? It gives you the largest, most playable screen to view. It´s difficult to Q correct on anything above 640x480. I use a lower Res, because i can pin point, which tank I'm going to kill in battle. I like tank fights, so having the best view on each tank i´m going after is key.
What may be negative ones? The only negative point I have is a lot of scrolling, but that has always been part of the game anyway. But on a higher resolution, you have far less scrolling from the one I use. If I was a builder, I might use a higher resolution.
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? The only tips I could give is try them all and the resolution that helps you play the most comfortable, is the one you should use.

(side note: boy is a very good example for a longtime playing old school-pro like many, who never really changed res, because it was impossible before the so-called high-res-patch.)

3.4. Ferret

Which Res do u use? 1280x720.
Have u tested others? Yeah, I used to use 800x600. Anything below that, I felt like I just couldn't see much.
What are positive points on your Res? I can see a lot more, and I'm able to multi-task, without having to move the screen too much. It makes it easier to control units within a smaller area, as well as controlling multiple tank groups too.
What may be negative ones? Yeah, I think for someone to use a higher resolution. You'll need very precise mouse movements and control. This is especially relevant on ore maps, where units are very important. I think, having really good micro is definitely needed for a higher resolution like this. It can also make your mouse hand a lot more tired, than what you're probably used to. Especially since you have to move back and forth so far between making units, and micro-ing your units.
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? I personally think, that all players should find what's most comfortable for them to play at. But I think, a good rule of thumb to get started is, that if you like to play with a high sensitivity on your mouse, play on a smaller resolution as units and icons are much larger. While vice versa, if you're going to play at a higher resolution, I would recommend getting used to having a slower sensitivity.

3.5. C|ommander

Which Res do u use? 800x600.
Have u tested others? I started with 1600x900, then lowered it down to 1024x768. And when i decided to train for Goldmedal-Challenge, i had to use my current 800-res for better precision. I tried also the pro-res 640x400/480, but i must admit, that impacts too much a fast building towards enemy. 
What are positive points on your Res? My current Res is a good (for me personally) compromise: can be used for either fast building and solid tanking. 
What may be negative ones? When it comes to real Q-battles versus real low-res-pros, then i might have some disadvantages. 
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? I think, newcomers should first try the high Res, to get familiar with all available units. Once you decide to either improve on tanking or building, then u should lower your res to the most suitable one. 
So, which Res u recommend for newcomers? 1024. 

3.6. UFF-Brasil

Which Res do u use? 640x480.
Have u tested others? No, i always played this.
What are positive points on your Res? Have greater accuracy at the click speed and replacement of units and structures.
What may be negative ones? Not much map view, you should be aware all the time, that u can be surprised.
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? The two smaller resolution 640x480 or 640x400 is the best for any player, independent of each style, builder or tanker.

3.7. [Croboy-DP]

Which Res do u use? 800x600.
Have u tested others? Yeh, but this 1st number 4me. 
What are positive points on your Res? Used it since Goldmedal, feels comfortable.
What may be negative ones? No neg Points. 
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? Set up your hand to one resolution, then stick to it! Don't change, or it will fuck up your game style of playing! 

3.8. |GA|-Spartan/Arina

Which Res do u use? 640x400.
Have u tested others? I used to play 800x600, then had tested one time 640x400. Wasn't ready of this small res that time. Changed to 640 recently. 
What are positive points on your Res? I just got used to it, but first i played on 1280x800. Just, the smaller the resolution, the more convenient to produce units and faster in general u are, because less movements with the mouse.
What may be negative ones? No, all good.
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? I think, the main thing you need to do: to get used eyes and hands to lower resolutions, but you need to force yourself to play on low resolution, even if it does not work! But then, after a while, still get used to it more and more and you´re becoming good. 

3.9. C|Gyuszika

Which Res do u use? 1024x768
Have u tested others? For Goldmedal i needed smaller screen and took 800x, cause easier to get target. But when i use low screen, i don't see money, so i stick to a bigger monitor.
What are positive points on your Res? I see a lot in game, and can focus better. 
What may be negative ones? Pixel problem sometimes, and harder to enemy´s tanks.
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? I think, new players need a big res first, so they can focus and see all action. 

3.10. ORA-AndrewF

Which Res do u use? 640x400 or 640x480.
Have u tested others?  I tried 800x600 and 1024x764, they were nice for beginning, because I could see more of the map. Makes it easier to defend rushes, but harder to click on tanks for actual Q.
What are positive points on your Res? For my low res, i get faster production and tanking, less misclicks because there is less distance the mouse needs to move.
What may be negative ones? The disadvantage is the low field of view, so having good map awareness goes along with it.
Any hints for players, how to find the best-fitting Res? Try experimenting with whatever resolution you are most comfortable with. But i do recommend 640x400 for the superior production, and it trains you to be more aware of the map. Less mouse distance, when moving it.


Add-On: This is a more complete list of usable resolutions, including sidebar slot amounts, trivial names and classifications. If u have a personal resolution, which is not mentioned here; or if i forgot something very important to include, please be free and hit me up to enclose it as well.  :)

Resolution: l x w

Pro Res Tanking
very low
Pro Res Tanking
Pro Res Building
Beginner and Spec Res
Beginner and Spec Res
Beginner and Spec Res
very high
Ferrets Res
very high
Beginner and Spec Res
very high
Beginner and Spec Res
very high
Beginner and Spec Res

Side note 1: The green (ratio l/w: 1,6) and blue (ratio l/w: 1,3 periodic) color show, that most Resolutions are stretched versions from the two Originals: 640x400 and 640x480. The orange ones have uncommon ratios (1,5 and 1,7) and are possible, but not often seen used.
Side note 2: Via "Detect Resolution" u may find additional ones, so this list is not at full to regard as a "full list" of all opportunities. 
Side note 3: What is Pro and what is Beginner is not meant judgmentally, but only a reflection of the majority using of each res type. 

CLAUS (original upload 14/08/2016)

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