[GR] Great Recruits
Official name: GREAT RECRUITS
Office tag:[GR]
Founded: MARCH 14, 2017
Countries of origin: PERU
favorite maps: GTK, GOLD OPEN, P4, RASTA, LIQUID GOLD......
favorite maps: GTK, GOLD OPEN, P4, RASTA, LIQUID GOLD......
Entry requirement
¨ They have to be loyal to the clan, treat others well and have a passion for being better
¨ They have to be loyal to the clan, treat others well and have a passion for being better
HISTORY: [GR] started in early 2015, it is a clan only for people with good tank and construction skills. Great recruits are not just a clan, we are a brotherhood and we have to respect all the members. The Great Recruits is a clan with many players and the best players. We form a user on many maps such as P4, tape, Rasta, GTK and other maps. Any person in our clan who needs help at any time when he needs help whenever he is, he is our brother always. GR help! Being in [GR] is a great pride and we love GR.
[GR]-DoLChE: Youtube channel
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