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3 Years later

3 Years later ...... ... after its last published article on 5/31/2021 and an offline period: We are back in business! Over the years many w...


[BAT] BalcanTeam


Originally born in the" hot region " - in the Balkans (Croatia), our team now brings together players from all over the world, who keep in the heart of a hot love for this game.

For moreover that would to join in BAT clan need to be a good man and player, which likes RA and wants to learn to greater that would be the best player.

We always support our friends from the team, play honestly to ourselves and with respect to the opponent.


U početku je počela u "vrelom regiji" - na balkanu (Hrvatska) naš tim sada okuplja igrače iz cijelog svijeta, koji se čuvaju u srcu vrelu ljubav prema ovoj igri.

Da bi se pridruže u BAT klan mora biti dobar čovjek i igrač koji voli RA i želi naučiti više što će biti najbolji igrač.

Mi uvjek podrzavamo nase igrace iz tima igramo posteno i s postovanjem prema drugima.



           Known Members     
     [BAT] Ethia 
     [BAT] Steve

        BAT PRO TEAM no1.

Origin: Croatia, 2014
Official tag: [BAT]
Favorite Maps: GTK, DA-RASTA, P4, RIBBON
Requirements to join:


Ask leader and
you need to be a good player and a normal man who loves to play RA and who wants to learn more to be better player.

Clan description:


Balcan team originated from Balcan, Croatia. They are a united group of tankers and builders, with some upcoming apprentice members. The [BAT] clan is known for being professionals at 2v2 building.

.: [AFO] RA GUIDE certifies the [BAT] clan as an official CnCNet 5 clan :.